TallGuyDigital specialises in defining and implementing no-cost/lo-cost customer contact systems to help small ethical businesses on Merseyside manage their client contact lists to gain more business by improving customer relationships. The tekky term for this is Customer Relationship Management or CRM systems. Below are some initial questions and answers that an organisation may have when looking at a CRM as part of a digital transformation. If you would rather have a personal chat about how efficient management of your contact lists can improve your business, please request your free technology consultation with me.
- What is CRM?
- Why CRM?
- Why not CRM?
- Where do I install a CRM?
- Who can use my CRM?
- How do I use CRM to improve my business?
- What are my CRM options
- How much will a CRM cost?
You can also request your free Tall Guy Digital guide “Get Your Shlists Together” for more information.