Technology brings amazing opportunities to companies and individuals
but with those opportunities comes great responsibility. (Wider World Business)
At Tall Guy Digital I endeavour to make our planet a little greener and fairer by offering my services as an ethical green technology business. From the materials I use, to how I manage project and implement systems, I try to apply an “eco-screening”.
I know that in the socio-economic system most of us operate in, it’s difficult but I believe that even the smallest positive action can have an impact – more efficient use of resources, better use of time, a better environment and yes, less stress on owners and staff. Best practice and repeatable operations are at the ethical and green core of Tall Guy Digital interactions between people and the planet:
- To buy greener products whenever possible.
- To implement green ideas for my own business as well as my clients.
- To educate. train and influence through technology.
- To be enthusiastic and equitable about everything I do.
I strive to work with clients and partners who encourage and inspire through a co-operative commitment to be as green, innovative, efficient and conscientious as possible in all areas of business. The use of technology “done right” can enable greener and more ethical choices throughout a business.
I’ve signed up to the Unashamedly Ethical Commitment and Shel Horowitz’s Business Ethics Pledge – find out more about these ethical business initiaties here and please consider supporting them yourself.
Less landfill, more efficient energy use, less pollution, more ecological attitudes benefit everyone in the long-term – “short-termism” for that “quick buck” invariably has negative effects locally and globally. I try continuously seek out ethical clients and suppliers, watch for greener materials and look to more efficient business models to keep Tall Guy Digital’s negative impact to a minimum as an ethical green technology business.
If you are interested in how we may be able to work together, please request your free technology consultation or simply get in touch with me.
In the words of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), “Business is not divorced from the rest of society. How companies behave affects many people, not just shareholders. A company should be a responsible member of the society in which it operates.”